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Everything You Need to Know about Deserts of Druud

Everything You Need to Know about Deserts of Druud

Dota 2
23 May
Harrison Htet

The much-awaited Crownfall update came to Dota 2 last month. It was a success, increasing the player count of the game. The Crownfall update features the love story of Skywrath Mage and Vengeful Spirit.

Players can follow them and see how their story plays out in four acts. These acts are unlocked over time. The Deserts of Druud update has been unlocked recently, along with the much-anticipated patch update.

Skywrath Mage Flying Dota 2 Credits: Valve

The Story So Far

Vengeful Spirit Dota 2 This is some next-level sibling rivalry. (Credits: Valve)

Shen's sister seized The Eyrie kingdom in a coup orchestrated by her. Then Shen got booted from her kingdom, with her wings torn from her body. Fate intervened as she was left for death. After waiting a decade to avenge her death, Shen's opportunity is within her grasp with the help of her lover, Dragonus, and their god, Scree'Auk.

Vengeful Spirit Dota 2 Now we know why VS can't fly. (Credits: Valve)

However, to lead a revolution against her sister, Shen must gather all the help she can get. Thus, the group heads on to find an army that can go up against an army of Eyrie - The Kazurai. Shen's sister, Queen Imperia, also knows about this. As a result, she sent some of her troops to wipe out The Kazurai. Fortunately, some Kazurai knew about the evil queen's plans and escaped.

Imperia Dota 2 The main antagonist of the Crownfall, Queen Imperia, the evil sister of Vengeful Spirit. (Credits: Valve)

The two leaders of the clan took their groups to separate ways - the Deserts of Druid and The Frosts of Icewrack. Thus, to cover the ground more quickly, Dragonus and Shen also split up to track down the clan's leaders. While Dragonus made his way to the Desserts, Shen, with the aid of her old ally, Kunkka, was making her way to Icewrack.

The Deserts of Druud Act

The Arcana of Skywrath Mage in Crownfall Abs and all and he still gets 1 shot by PA. (Credits: Valve)

In the Second Act of the Crownfall, players will accompany Skywrath Mage to locate one of the Kuzurai's leaders. Crownfall Act II features a new map for the Main Quest, like Cavern Crawl. Similar to the previous map, players must collect different sets of tokens to unlock various paths. However, the tokens required for the second map vary from those on the first map. The tokens describe different attributes of the heroes.

Crownfall Act II Map The map of Crownfall Act II. (Image Source: Dota 2..)

Likewise, two side quests hide behind a paywall on the second map. Players can unlock them by purchasing Deserts of Druud Path on the Crownfall store. The first Crownfall Act is The Ruins of Barzum. Upon finishing the act, players will receive a Crownfall Treasure III, some Crownfall Store coins, and MMR Double Down tokens. The second one is The Broken Belt. Players will receive Graxx's Strap, Centaur Warrunner's item, an Effigy Block, and some emoticons.

Crownfall Act II Scraps The description of Scraps at Crownfall Act II. (Image Source: Screen Capture of Dota 2 in-game client.)

There's a new element introduced in the Second Act of Crownfall. Players can collect Scraps throughout the main quest. Then, they can exchange six of these scraps in the Token Trader for any token of their choice. Apart from the new feature, most of the players' favorite features, such as Candyworks Cavern, the fishing game, and the Crownfall coins, returned in The Second Act of the Crownfall.

The Rewards

Dragon Knight Dota 2 Dragon Knight Griffin Knight skin. (Image Source: Screen Capture of Dota 2 in-game client)

A new act means new rewards, and there are some pretty cool rewards in Crownfall Act II. After completing the main quest in the Second Act of Crownfall, players get Griffin Knight ( A Dragon Knight skin) as a reward and some Axe emoticons. Here's a comprehensive set of rewards included in Crownfall Act II.

  • Crownfall Treasure I, II, III
  • Centaur's Immortal 
  • Hero Effigy
  • Songs of the Caravan Music Pack
  • Seasonal Sprays
  • Crownfall Act II Loading Screen Treasure
  • Crownfall Act II Completionist medal
  • Many emoticons
  • Dragon Knight's Griffin Knight set

Crownfall Treasure III Dota 2 The skins included in Crownfall Treasure III. (Image Source: Screen Capture of Dota 2 in-game client.)

Crownfall Treasure III also made its debut in the second act. You can check out the names of the sets featured in the treasures below.

Hero                                          Skin Name

Shadow Fiend                        Raven Harvest

Bane                                           Tome of Infinite Terror

Queen Of Pain                         The Rose of Ristul

Mars                                             Mars Gallus

Treant Protector                     Spina Infernalis

Death Prophet                         Draconic Requiem

Visage                                         Grimfeather the Grotesque

Alchemist                                  Potion Potentate

Jakio                                           Barding of Balaur

Oracle                                         Prophecies Of Pavo

Phantom Lancer                     Flock Of Avilliva

Anti Mage (Personna)          Pinons of Piety

Courier                                       Servant of Scree'auk Baby Roshan

Crownfall This is just too cute. (Credits: Valve)

Crownfall Act II explores the adventures of Skywrath Mage in The Deserts of Druud. The next update is scheduled around late June. In The Frosts of Icewrack, hopefully, players will catch up with Vengeful Spirit and her adventures.

Featured Image Source: Valve

Read More At Strafe Esports: tOfu: "It does feel satisfying when things go well."

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