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Twitch bans drops farming across all games

Twitch bans drops farming across all games

18 Jan
Andre Guaraldo

Twitch, the leading live streaming platform, has recently put its foot down on Drops farming across all games. The platform's updated Community Guidelines now explicitly ban this practice, underlining a commitment to fair play and authentic community engagement.

This move is a direct response to the challenges posed by drops farming and aims to create an environment where everyone, from streamers to viewers, can enjoy Twitch for what it was intended – a platform built on genuine interaction and shared experiences. In this article, we'll break down the details of Twitch's new policy and explore what it means for the Twitch community

Understanding drops farming

Drops farming, a practice where streamers run continuous streams during drops campaigns to accumulate rewards without actively engaging with their audience, this has been a growing concern. Twitch's rewards, including Drops, want to enhance the viewer experience and encourage interaction. Drops farming, however, undermines this intention, prompting Twitch to address the issue head-on in its latest policy update.

The revised Spam and Scams Policy on Twitch unequivocally prohibits cheating the Twitch rewards system, encompassing Drops and channel points systems. This comprehensive policy seeks to eliminate spam, scams, and other malicious conduct that could disrupt the user experience and decrease trust in the platform.

The policy acknowledges that streamers may fall victim to account takeover, fraud, or viewbotting by third parties. Twitch assures users that there are mechanisms in place to identify responsible parties, ensuring that good-faith streamers will not be penalized in such situations. See an example below:

The community's early perspectives to the Drop farming ban

In response to the policy update, the Twitch community has expressed a variety of reactions and concerns. Some users have called for more information and clarification on what constitutes cheating the rewards/drops system. Others also speculate about the potential impact on streamers who run reruns with the Drops function enabled, questioning whether active streaming will now be a requirement for using the Drops function.

Concerns about the vagueness of the policy are evident, with users emphasizing the need for clearer guidelines, especially for developers and creators. These sentiments highlight the community's desire for Twitch to provide more explicit instructions on acceptable behavior.

In summary, Twitch's decisive move to ban Drops farming reflects the platform's commitment to maintaining fairness and genuine community interaction. As the community also navigates these changes, ongoing communication and clarity from Twitch will be crucial. The platform's efforts to combat spam, scams, and deceptive practices demonstrate its dedication to upholding the integrity of its services and fostering an environment where both viewers and streamers can thrive

Feature image credits: Twitch

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