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Team Heretics Wo0t wants to face Aspas at Masters Shanghai “If I can beat him, I can say I am the best”

Team Heretics Wo0t wants to face Aspas at Masters Shanghai “If I can beat him, I can say I am the best”

24 May
Ganesh Jadhav

On the second day of VALORANT Masters Shanghai, Team Heretics faced off against China’s Dragon Ranger Gaming. In a one-sided affair, Team Heretics defeated DRG, going 1-0 up in the Swiss stage.

Following the team’s victory, Strafe had an opportunity to interview Team Heretics’ Mert “Wo0t” Alkan. In an exclusive 1 on 1 interview Wo0t talks about the game, switching roles, facing G2 and more.

[Interviewer] Yeah. Congratulations on the win. Amazing performance by you. You played really well. Can you reflect on the game a little bit?

Like, we were just playing our game. Yeah. That's all. Like, we just focused on fundamentals and we won.

[Interviewer] Did you get to practice at all before the tournament, how much practice did you get?

I think 8 practices. 2 days. Like, 4 and 4.

Something like that. Not that much. Yeah.

Or 10. Like, 2 days. Overall.

[Interviewer] How hard was it to switch roles in such a short time?

Like, it's hard. It's of course hard, but I'm just trying to do my best. Like, that's why I'm in this team as a flex.

Like, I will just flex everything.

[Interviewer] This is also your first time playing with Patitek, how was it adjusting to him?

He's a great person. Like, I'm not gonna lie. He's just the funniest person I ever met in esports, I think.

Yeah. He's very nice. So, it's so easy to play with him. Also, he's so good in the game as well.

[Interviewer] This was also your international debut. First time playing on an international stage, visiting Shanghai. How has the experience been so far?

I really like Shanghai as a city. Also, crowd is insane in China. So, I'm happy to be here.

We will just do our best in Shanghai. I'm sure.

[Interviewer] Obviously, while seeing that, you are also playing against the crowd. Against a Chinese team for your first game. Were you nervous at all?

Like, after day one round, you can hear their voices. But, it's not that important. It's like, giving me more motivation to win against them.

[Interviewer] Since your tier 2 days, you were hyped up a lot, which also means there are a lot of expectations from you. Did those expectations ever burden you? Added to the pressure?

Yeah, of course. Like, it's making pressure on me. But, it's like, good pressure.

I'm using it in a good way.

[Interviewer] The next stage would be playing against G2 Esports. Is there a player in G2 Esports you would look out for tomorrow?

No, I will just play my game.

[Interviewer] Have you seen any of their games?

I watched a few, but not that much. I'm not watching that much in other regions. I'm not gonna lie.

So, I will just play my game and try to win.

[Interviewer] In the pre-event press conference, something said Americas is the strongest region. Do you agree with the statement?

Yeah, I agree. I think NA is, like, one of the strongest. I think they are the strongest.

I'm not gonna lie. I do respect them, but that does not mean it's gonna be a hard match. Like, we will see.

We will see in the match tomorrow.

[Interviewer] What were your expectations for coming into Masters Shanghai? Where do you see Heretics ending or finishing in the tournament?

We didn't know we were gonna come here, actually, before five or six days because we were doing something about visas and other things. So, like, we are just here to have fun. So, I think it's good.

We don't have any pressure. We are still the underdog, I think. So, we will just have fun from the games, get experience in the international tournament. It's great.

[Interviewer] Is there any team you would want to face or a player you would want to face at Masters Shanghai?

I think Aspas. He's, like, the best player in the Valorant right now. So, if I can beat him, I can start to say I am best, maybe.

[Interviewer] Since you are flexing a lot, it would be interesting to know what agent you prefer playing. Is there any agent you prefer playing? Not just competitively, also casually.

No, no, no, no. I'm just really, like, if I play one agent for so long, I'm just really bored of it. Like, I don't want to play anymore.

So, I'm good on the flex. Like, I'm feeling better when I'm not playing the same agents.

[Interviewer] Do you have a favorite agent then?

Maybe Jett.

[Interviewer] Which rifle do you prefer, Vandal or Phantom?

Vandal, for sure.

[Interviewer] Which skin do you prefer? Do you like any skin on Vandal?

It was Kuronami for this match, but generally it's Gaia.

[Interviewer] What do you think about the current map pool?

I think it needs to change. I don't like Bind, Split and Ascent. So, it needs to change.

[Interviewer] What do you think about the map pool changes they made?

I think it's kind of better. I'm really looking forward to seeing a new map. We will see.

We will work on it.

[Interviewer] Which is your favorite map?

In Ranked, Icebox as a team. Like, I mean, like pracs, scrims,  when you play with your team, I think it's Lotus. Like, I'm feeling more comfortable in Lotus with the team.

[Interviewer] Do you like anything from Shanghai? Any food you are particularly enjoying?

I tried a few Chinese foods, but I don't know their names. Yeah.

[Interviewer] Congratulations. I know you are hungry. I hope you have a great meal. Best of luck for tomorrow.

VALORANT Masters Shanghai action continues as Wo0t and Team Heretics face G2 Esports tomorrow for qualification.

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Featured Image Credits: Photo by Liu YiCun/Riot Games

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