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Knight discusses resilience and adaptability after BLG loss at MSI: 'Always ready to learn and improve'

Knight discusses resilience and adaptability after BLG loss at MSI: 'Always ready to learn and improve'

League of Legends
17 May
Andre Guaraldo

Bilibili Gaming (BLG) has become a team to watch in the League of Legends scene, showcasing their ability to compete at the highest level. After a challenging loss against Gen.G at MSI 2024, we sat down with Zhuo "Knight" Ding to discuss his mindset and future aspirations. Knight's journey has been marked by highs and lows, with near victories and tough defeats shaping his career. Known for his exceptional skills in the mid lane, his recent performance against Chovy has been a topic of discussion among fans and analysts alike.

Reflecting on the match against GenG Chovy

Despite the disappointing result, Knight found value in the confrontation with one of the best mid laners in the world. “I think it's interesting to play against Chovy. He has always been a strong player. So I can learn a lot from him. My overall performance today is average. There are still a lot of things I can do better.”

Knight's humility and willingness to learn from each game exemplify his dedication to continuous improvement. This mindset has been a cornerstone of his success and resilience in the highly competitive League of Legends environment.

Chovy x Knight: a highly-anticipated battle that ended up with GenG's midlaner on top (credits: LoL Esports) Chovy x Knight: a highly-anticipated battle that ended up with GenG's midlaner on top (credits: LoL Esports)

A new chapter with BLG

Transitioning to a new team can be challenging, but for Knight, it has been a refreshing change. “After the World Championship, I think the change in my mind is that I want to play the game more easily. After joining a new team, I think it's good to cooperate with my teammates. So after Worlds, maybe I have changed a little bit of my mindset. I like to enjoy just playing on stage and try to enjoy my games and play joyfully.”

Joining BLG has allowed Knight to find synergy and coordination with his new teammates, fostering a positive atmosphere that emphasizes both performance and enjoyment of the game.

Knight was brought to BLG after a very succesful season with JDG with high expectations for and from him (credits: BLG) Knight was brought to BLG after a very succesful season with JDG with high expectations for and from him (credits: BLG)

Defining success in a dynamic landscape

Knight's journey to the top has been characterized by his focus on maintaining peak performance and strong communication with his team. “I think I can only achieve great success if I keep myself in a good state and communicate well with my teammates and try to play as much as possible. That's some parts I'd like to be more focused on.”

His approach highlights the importance of consistency and teamwork in achieving long-term success in esports.

Better communication and further dedication, the two main improvement pillars for Knight (credits: LoL Esports) Better communication and further dedication, the two main improvement pillars for Knight (credits: LoL Esports)

Adapting to the Fearless Draft

Looking ahead to the next split, Knight is prepared to embrace the Fearless Draft format, which mandates that teams cannot reuse champions they have previously selected in a series. This new format aims to promote strategic diversity and adaptability. Knight is optimistic about this change. “The fearless mode is definitely the new way for the LPL summer split. I feel it's rather good because it's very new to us as well. And I feel like in terms of my champion pool, I got a rather wide champion pool. I'm not that worried about that.”

Knight's adaptability and confidence in his diverse champion pool make him well-suited for the challenges of the new draft format, positioning BLG for potential success in the upcoming season.

Read More: LPL heavily rumored to be swapping to Fearless Draft for 2024 Summer Split

Overcoming the toughest challenges

Reflecting on his most difficult tournaments, Knight identified the Grand Final of the LPL Summer Split last year as particularly challenging. “The hardest tournament or the hardest moment could be the last year's summer split, the summer final. Because we faced LNG in the BO5 and we had a full set of five games. And they played so well. They really gave us a lot of pressure on the BO5. So that could be one of the hardest moments.”

This experience has undoubtedly shaped Knight's resilience and determination to excel in future competitions.

LNG Gaming roster who gave him the hardest series of his career (credits: LNG Gaming) LNG Gaming roster who gave Knight the hardest series of his career (credits: LNG Gaming)

Champion preferences and meta considerations

When asked about his champion preferences, Knight expressed an obvious fondness for Syndra. Knight still lays claim to Syndra as one of his best champions and she is known as one of his most signature picks. “She still has a chance to play. Maybe it's difficult, but she still has a chance to play. I feel like maybe this champion really could be quite hard to play on this meta, but still may got some opportunities to see the champion on stage.”

His strategic insight into champion viability demonstrates his deep understanding of the game's evolving meta and his ability to adapt accordingly.

Will Knight's wishes be attended with Syndra returning to the competitive meta eventually? (credits: League of Legends) Will Knight's wishes be attended with Syndra returning to the competitive meta eventually? (credits: League of Legends)

Looking Forward

Knight's journey through League of Legends has been marked by both triumphs and challenges, shaping him into a resilient and adaptable player. Reflecting on his recent MSI performance, he emphasized the importance of learning from top-tier opponents like Chovy and enjoying the game with his BLG teammates. His readiness to embrace the upcoming Fearless Draft format, which prevents teams from reusing champions in a series, showcases his confidence in his broad champion pool and strategic versatility.

Looking ahead, Knight's commitment to improvement and teamwork remains strong. He aims to leverage BLG's coordination to achieve new heights, driven by past experiences, such as the intense Grand Final of the LPL Summer Split last year. Knight's immediate focus is on the next MSI 2024 match against T1, with the goal of winning and earning another shot at Gen.G, this time for the title and a chance at revenge. Fans can expect Knight to continue pushing boundaries and striving for excellence, promising an exciting future in the League of Legends competitive scene.

Featured image credits: Bilibili Gaming

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