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Fy Is The First Player to Reach 300 Pro Games on a Hero

Fy Is The First Player to Reach 300 Pro Games on a Hero

Dota 2
13 Apr
Ryan Antony Bernard

Dota 2 consists of 124 heroes, each with their own playstyle and abilities. Dedicated time is required to understand and learn the mechanics of these heroes. There may be some similarities between them, which you can implement while learning new heroes.

Now, what if there was one hero which required understanding all the other heroes' abilities to play it? Enter Rubick the Grand Magus, the Spell Stealer, which drops the Uno Reverse in team fights.

Fy - The Godlike Support

Dota 2, Rubick The Spell stealer.

Xu "fy" Linsen has been a menace on his Rubick since his pro-scene debut as Vici Gaming's Pos 4 player. He's always calm and readily waits for his opponents to cast a spell. His positioning & timing during team fights is something that new Rubick players or supports, in general, can learn from.

Since becoming a Dota 2 pro in 2013, the Chinese veteran has played almost 3000 matches. Of these, he has played Rubick 300 times with a win rate of 59.67%. Fy is arguably the best Rubick player of all time. He is often the deciding factor for his team winning fights and countering ganks.

The Support duo of Fy and Lu "Fenrir" Chao during their VG days is an amazing sight. However, Rubick is not the only hero he thrives on. His snowball saves on Tusk during the TI8 grand finals had the LGD fans jumping off their seats and cheering.

Rubick, The Grand Magus

Rubick, Dota 2 Rubick's always waiting to drop that Uno Reverse (Credit: Valve)

Rubick is one of the most complex heroes in Dota 2. To play Rubick, you need a high knowledge of the game and other heroes. During the laning phase, he does not offer much support to farm heavy carries. However, if your carry is looking to harass or get kills, Rubick has the tools to do so. With Telekinesis, you can set up ganks or stop the enemy from advancing. Fade Bolt provides early-game burst damage while reducing the enemy's attack damage.

Spell Steal

The main reason teams draft is because of his Spell Steal ability. It requires patience and precise timing to use. Stealing the wrong spell can result in you not having an impact or losing a crucial fight. When Rubick uses a stolen spell, the debuff(stun, root, silence, etc) duration increases by 10% / 20% / 30% with each level. Scepter upgrade allows you to steal two spells and upgrade the stolen spells to their scepter versions. Stolen spells are lost when you die. Rubick is used to counter heavy team fight spells like Blackhole, Reverse Polarity, and Echoslam, which he can use against them.

Item builds

Rubick is a squishy hero. If the enemy jumps him, he is most likely dead. So, building items that can get him in and out of fights, like Blink, Forcestalff, Euls Scepter, and Glimmer Cape can be useful.

Read more at Strafe: Is Morphling a better Spell Stealer than Rubick?

Featured Image: EPICENTER

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