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Best Position 4 Heroes to Play in Dota 2 Patch 7.35b

Best Position 4 Heroes to Play in Dota 2 Patch 7.35b

Dota 2
18 Jan
Radu Muresan

Roaming has been for many years an integral part of Dota 2. Past metas used to revolve a lot more around jungling, but these days, the viable lane configurations are 2-1-2, 1-1-3, and 1-1-2-1. The last two of these configurations have a permanent or at least a part-time roamer, whose job is to create ganks, protect key heroes, control runes, and so on. In this guide, you will discover some of the best position 4 heroes of Dota 2 patch 7.35b. Knowing what makes them strong and how to play them could help you gain a lot of MMR.


Earthshaker Earthquake! (Credit: Valve)

Earthshaker is a truly iconic Dota 2 hero, and mastering him takes hundreds of games. At first, he may not seem to be that complicated, but what makes him complicated is one requirement: expert positioning. If you don’t know how to position yourself in every scenario, you won’t be effective.

Shaker has two main abilities that he can use at all times and one ultimate that’s reserved for special occasions.

His Fissure deals 260 damage (350 with the level 10 talent and 510 with level 4 Aftershock). More importantly, this ability stuns everything along a 1600 unit line and makes it difficult for heroes to retreat, trapping them with a ridge of stone.

They can still blink over it, but they can’t walk over it. And the effect lasts for 6.5 – 8s. The stun itself lasts for 1.4s. If properly positioned, Fissure can save an ally’s life by preventing enemies from chasing him.

An even more spectacular ability is Enchant Totem, which offers Shaker +400% bonus damage. This ability can be used every 5s and will stun enemies for 1.3s thanks to Aftershock. On top of that, you can use Enchant Totem in advance, wait for several seconds, and then initiate the fight. This will allow you to use it twice in quick succession.

Imagine a Phantom Assassin jumping on someone and critting twice. The effect is devastating. But it gets better. PA deals 450% damage with her crits at level 18. Shaker deals 500% at level 7.

Because of his ultimate, this hero is perfect against illusion-based enemies like Phantom Lancer, Terrorblade, and Chaos Knight.

When you play ES, you should buy items like Blink Dagger, Aghanim’s Scepter, Force Staff, and Shadow Blade. All of them allow you to initiate and escape fights more easily.

Shadow Shaman

Shadow Shaman Don't move! (Credit: Valve)

Shadow Shaman is easily one of the best position 4 heroes of Dota 2 patch 7.35b. He deals a lot of right-click damage at level 1, which makes him perfect for harassing enemies during the laning phase. His biggest weaknesses at this stage of the game are his movement speed (285) and his attack range (400).

Thanks to his Ether Shock, he can quickly kill a creep wave and deal a lot of damage to enemy heroes while they are trying to last-hit.

Most importantly, Shaman has two abilities that can disable a target for a long duration. Hex lasts for 2 – 2.9s and amplifies damage by 10 – 25%. Hex lasts for 2.4 – 4.2s and deals 75 – 300 damage. Both of these abilities have low cooldowns, which means that Shaman is a scary hero to play against once he buys some mana items.

The perfect option is Aether Lens because it allows you to cast your abilities from far away while giving you all the mana and mana regen you need.

The thing that makes Shaman a perfect position 4 hero is his ability to smoke gank. Using Shackles and Hex, he can disable a target for 4.4s at level 2! That’s plenty of time for your carry or mid to get the job done. By the time you’re level 3, you can also throw Ether Shock into the mix for a total of 215 damage.

After level 6, Shaman can play on his own, pushing lanes and using his ultimate to deal tower damage. This often forces unwanted rotations, just to deal with the threat. He can also continue to play around his cores, making it easy for them to catch enemy heroes and kill them in their own jungle.


Lion, Dota 2 Get hexed! (Credit: Valve)

Lion is similar to Shadow Shaman but he needs more time to reach his first power spike. At level 1, his Earth Spike deals just 105 damage and stuns for 1.3s. This is an AoE stun but it can be dodged. His Hex disables for 2 – 3.2s, slightly longer than Shaman’s, but it does not amplify damage.

One of the most underestimated abilities that Lion possesses is Mana Drain, which steals 20 – 120 mana per second for 5s, cannot be broken with ease because its range is 1100 units, and slows movement speed by 20 – 35%. Lion can also target allies with this ability to give them mana and movement speed.

The cooldown is quite low (15 – 6s) and the benefits are enormous, so a lot of players like to maximize Mana Drain early.

At level 6, Lion can use his Finger of Death, which is one of the most powerful ultimates in the game at that level. It deals 600 damage and gains 40 damage for each kill.

When you play Lion, you must absolutely buy a Blink Dagger for maximum impact, as well as an Aether Lens.


Bane, Dota 2 Your nightmare came true. (Credit: Valve)

Bane’s toolkit is an absolute nightmare to deal with if you’re on the opposite side of the river. His Enfeeble reduces damage by 55% at level 1, which makes last-hitting extremely difficult for the enemy carry. The effect lasts for 9s, so you should always cast it when the creep wave starts to become low on HP.

Doing this for every creep wave once will put your core far ahead of the enemy after just 2-3 minutes. That’s often enough to win the lane and potentially the game.

Brain Sap deals 90 – 300 pure damage and heals you for the same amount. This is why almost every maximizes this ability first. At level 2 (so when you’re level 3), you can create a 320 HP difference between yourself and your opponent every 13s, which makes trades extremely unfavorable for almost any enemy hero who wants to stand his ground against you.

Bane’s Nightmare is an excellent tool for ganking, but also for setting up lane kills against solo offlaners who don’t have anyone to help them remove the sleep. At level 1, the effect lasts for 3.5s, so you don’t need to put more than one point in it. A 1-3-1-1 skill build is ideal in most cases.

Bane’s ultimate will deal a massive amount of damage and will keep a target trapped for 4.75 – 5.75s. This long duration makes the hero very powerful, even at level 6.

When playing Bane, you should buy an Aether Lens followed by whatever else you think is necessary to help your team.


Rubick, Dota 2 Mr. Steal your ultimate. (Credit: Valve)

Rubick is among the best position 4 heroes of Dota 2 patch 7.35b because he is the perfect counter-initiator. He can steal anything and will often turn fights around thanks to a powerful stolen ultimate.

Enemy teams always play scared against him. His intelligence gain is amazing (3.7 per level) and his overall stat gain is one of the best in the game: +2 strength, +2.5 agility, and +3.7 intelligence.

Rubick can reduce enemy damage by 5 – 35% for 10s, while dealing 100 – 325 damage to an entire creep wave. This ability makes him powerful in lane.

But he can also disable a target for several seconds and gain excellent spell amp and cast range thanks to his Arcane Supremacy. When combined with an Aether Lens, Rubick can cast spells from 1000+ range. His ultimate already has 1400.

When playing Rubick, wait for a powerful ultimate to be used and then strike. It’s not always easy but range is on your side, so you can keep a safe distance in most cases. To make it even easier, buy a Blink Dagger.


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Header: Valve

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