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[UPDATED 2024] Best Mid Heroes of Dota 2 Patch 7.35b

[UPDATED 2024] Best Mid Heroes of Dota 2 Patch 7.35b

Dota 2
7 Jan
Radu Muresan

Dota 2 patch 7.35b brought numerous changes. Most of them are minor but some are quite significant. However, despite the changes, don't let yourself be fooled. Some heroes are still broken.

In this guide, you will discover five of the best mid heroes of Dota 2 patch 7.35b, in no particular order.

Death Prophet: 54% Win Rate

Dota 2, Death Prophet A terrifying being approaches. (Credit: Valve)

Death Prophet is an excellent choice for the mid lane in any MMR bracket. Despite the nerfs she received in Dota 2 patch 7.35b, her win rate remains high because of the huge buffs she received in 7.35.

Silence now slows movement speed by 10 - 25%, and keep in mind that this is an AoE spell with a low cooldown and a relatively long duration (5s). For heroes that want to blink away or escape in some way, 5s is a very long time.

Of course, items like Manta Style can be useful, but those items come into play much later. In the first 20-25 minutes, Death Prophet has a huge advantage over most heroes in the game.

Crypt Swarm is perfect for farming and pushing lanes because it deals 325 damage and can be used every 6 seconds.

Spirit Siphon creates a 200 HP difference per second and lasts for 6s. This means that most enemy heroes will not dare come close to you in the early game because they know they don't stand a chance.

And finally, DP has Exorcism, which is one of the strongest team fighting abilities in Dota 2. If you want to siege a tower, it's enough to use it and nobody will want to fight you unless your team is very far behind in gold and experience.

Meepo: 55% Win Rate

Dota 2, Meepo Power in numbers. (Credit: Valve)

Meepo remains a niche hero, picked in less than 3% of matches and by the same people. He is very hard to learn and will require hundreds of matches just for a basic level of competence. He is almost as hard as Invoker, except it requires a different type of technical prowess because of his illusions.

When you play Meepo, the goal is to level up fast and farm in as many places as possible each minute, until you get your core items. Dota 2 patch 7.35 buffed this hero, at least in the early game, by making his Poof deal 50% more damage but changing it from pure damage to magical damage.

Given that heroes tend to have just 25% resistance against magic damage, this is a clear buff. But it becomes a nerf after the 25-minute mark because teams tend to buy Pipes and other aura items.

An additional buff to Meepo’s Poof comes through his level 10 talent. Instead of +30 damage, now it gives +50 damage.

Meepo can be very fun to play in this patch thanks to all the new items. How you build this hero is entirely up to you but many players continue to prefer buying a Scythe of Vyse during the mid portion of the game. Other important items are Aghanim’s Scepter, Blink Dagger, and Eye of Skadi. You can also buy Diffusal Blade if you want to play aggressively.

Arc Warden: 55.8% Win Rate

Dota 2, Arc Warden Stronger than ever. (Credit: Valve)

Arc Warden’s win rate has increased by roughly 1%, despite the nerfs he received. This hero is very powerful after level 6 and few other heroes can match his strength at that level. Because of this, he can push the tier 1 mid-tower or gank the other two lanes. Thanks to his Tempest Double, he can farm very quickly and also fight with ease.

Arc is the perfect counter for ranged heroes who love to keep their distance. With his Magnetic Field, which gets reinforced by the Tempest Double for a total duration of nearly 15s, this hero feels untouchable in most cases. After he gets his core items, only a team effort can stop him in most cases.

Luckily for us, very few players know how to play Arc Warden and his pick rate is less than 5%. But his capabilities are incredible. When combined with his Tempest Double, Arc’s Flux deals more than 150 DPS for 6s. That’s a total of 900 damage just from one ability. Add to that some basic attacks and you quickly see why this hero is scary.

Slardar: 52.6% Win Rate

Dota 2, Slardar Can't escape him. (Credit: Valve)

Slardar received some tiny nerfs in Dota 2 patch 7.35, but those nerfs don’t change his playstyle and effectiveness. The only sad thing is that Medallion was removed from the game, which means that one of his overpowered tactics is no longer available.

Slardar thrives in the mid lane because he loves being in the river. He also benefits from a quick level 6 because his ultimate is overpowered. As soon as he has it, nothing can fight him 1v1. A -10 armor in the early game is a death sentence because it reduces effective HP against physical damage by 60%.

Slardar should be built as an initiator. You need a Blink Dagger and a Black King Bar in most cases, but some players prefer to play him more aggressively, using items like S&Y, Armlet, or Shadow Blade.

Thanks to his speed, Slardar can both force engagements and disengage with ease. With just a few mobility items, he is practically close to maximum speed throughout the game.

Outworld Destroyer: 52.8% Win Rate

Dota 2, Outworld Devourer Get destroyed! (Credit: Valve)

OD’s ultimate received a radius buff at level 1 and 2. It’s not a big deal, but having a slightly more powerful ultimate is useful.

The strength of this hero has increased thanks to the numerous powerful items that can be used to gain mana and intelligence, so he is now one of the best mid heroes of Dota 2 patch 7.35b. Because OD’s Arcane Orb deals pure damage based on his mana pool, the goal is to increase your mana as much as possible. With the right items, you can quickly get to 1500. And from then on, you will deal hundreds of extra pure damage per hit!

OD greatly benefits from a Dragon Lance and a Blink Dagger. These two items give him the extra attack range and the ability to properly position himself during team fights.

With his Astral Imprisonment, he can save allies by shielding them for 4s, or create perfect stun setups against key targets. Whenever you use this ability, you steal 22% mana capacity for 60s, which is very powerful. You are essentially a ranged Slark. Professional players like Quinn "Quinn" Callahan will likely start picking this hero again.

READ MORE: Best Dota 2 Hero Ultimates.

Featured Image Source: Valve

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