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The Rise Of Terrorblade: "Fight Me Cowards"

The Rise Of Terrorblade: "Fight Me Cowards"

Dota 2
21 May
Harrison Htet

The recent patch update saw the return of many hard-carry heroes that have been out of the meta for quite some time. Along with hard carries like Alchemist, Phantom Lancer, the demon marauder and an outlaw hellion - Terrorblade has been drafted a lot in pro-level pubs and official matches. The last time Terrorblade was a meta pick, hell nearly broke lose in Dota 2. So what makes this hero climb out of least pick hell and back into the meta?

The Buffs

On the surface, Terrorblade may seem like a simple hero. It can farm with its second ability, which gives the hero illusions.  Its third ability, Metamorphosis,  gives the hero additional damage transforming the hero into the range form, giving an advantage in team fights. This ability can also zone out enemies during the laning stage. When the hero's health pool got crucially low in team fights, the hero’s ultimate ability, Sunder, allows Terrorblade to swap his health pool with either his ally or his enemies, making his enemies rethink their team fight strategy.

Certain things make the hero unreliable too. During the laning stage, the hero has a low magic resistance and is squishy,  making the hero unfavourable for the trades and reliant on the support. However, in recent patches, the hero has received some buffs to his armour, and in patch 7.33, the hero’s abilities received buffs as well. His first ability, Reflection, received an attack speed slow debuff. This minor buff makes the hero have a reliable laning stage.

Countered and Counters 

Countered and Counters

With the buffs he received, there are also some mechanics if played correctly, make Terrorblade exceptional.  He is also most of the counters to the current meta heroes. He also paired well with Oracle, one of the support heroes that has been making his way back to Meta.  However, heroes like Sven, Ember Spirit, Phantom Lancer and Storm Spirit can go up against Terrorblade at any stage of the game. The hero currently has a win rate of 47.98% in high-level pubs.

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