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Did the Chamber Nerfs kill the agent?

Did the Chamber Nerfs kill the agent?

10 Dec
Ganesh Jadhav
It has been 48 hours since the Chamber nerfs and has divided the Valorant community. After dominating Valorant for over a year, Valorant players rejoiced as there would be no more teleporting miles away and re-peeking with the busted Ultimate. But the community, which exploited the agent a lot, seems to hate that they can't anymore. Half the community finds the nerfs perfectly fine, while the other half claims the agent's death.

In an earlier article, we have already covered the nerfs for the agent, and you can read about the nerfs here. The nerfs addressed the Chamber's overpowered and oppressive Ultimate Tour de force, along with his Rendezvous, Trademark, and the Headhunter.

Did the nerfs kill the agent?

The range-restriction to the trademark and the changed rendezvous has changed how players will play the agent. With the range-activated trip, which is the same range as the Killjoy abilities. This reduces the agent's mobility and confines the agent to a defined area. While the change is significant, it has dramatically reduced the ability of the agent to care for the flank.  While attacking a site, the team with Chamber will lose a lot of map control. And the team will be prone to fast flank counterplays.


Chamber's Rendevous which saw a 65% range reduction is the most affected agent ability. Devs changed the earlier max range of 37.5 m (Anchor radius + ability radius)  to 13m (Single anchor radius).

The reduced range increased the chances of punishing the Chamber. Even if not immediately traded, the agent's position will be revealed, and it'd be challenging for a Chamber to stay safe from an incoming attack. With agents like Neon, Raze, and Jett, which can quickly cover a lot of distance, increasing Chamber's counterplay.


The Chamber changes have made it challenging for a Chamber to stay safe after taking a shot, kill or not. This aspect of the new Chamber makes it tough to pick Chamber over Cypher or Killjoy. Unlike the regular sentinels, Chamber could not control large areas, his kit specialized in Site anchoring, and the nerfs have significantly reduced his viability on smaller maps. On maps such as Haven, Breeze, and Fracture, where players can still play the agent, the agent will still need support and can't qualify as a suitable site anchor.

Seangares has a great video on the topic and has highlighted and differentiated on how the agent was played and how will it be played going forward.

Thoughts of the community on the nerfs:

A major part of the community celebrated as the oppressor was finally gone but on a more serious note multiple coaches and players said the agent will not be as viable anymore, and will surely not be a must pick agent.

Zeek from Team heretics expressed his thoughts on the agent as follows:
“The fact that they added range to his trap is just going to kill him, Honestly, I think it’s now just not worth playing him.”

The best Chamber player in Valorant right now, Yay tweeted the following:


Some funny community reactions to the nerfs:






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