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CS2 float: How to find the Wear Rating or Float of a CS2 skin

CS2 float: How to find the Wear Rating or Float of a CS2 skin

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
4 Oct
Ganesh Jadhav

On August 13, 2013, Valve released one of the biggest updates for its tactical first person shooter. While the update did not introduce any major changes to the gun mechanics or the game mechanics, it still has had the biggest impact on the counter-strike ecosystem. With the Arms Deal update, Valve introduced gun skins in Counter-Strike.

CS:GO Arms deal update released on 13th August, 2013 CS:GO Arms deal update released on 13th August, 2013 (credits: Valve)

The arms deal update was the genesis for a ‘market’ which has items worth millions. A Counter-Strike parallel of a stock market, where the traders trade up skins instead of stocks. While multiple factors do govern the price of the skin, one of the most influential of them all is Wear Rating or simply float.

What is ‘Wear Rating’ or float?

Wear Rating or float is a value assigned to a skin which represents the Wear Condition or ‘exterior’ of the skin. Currently in CS2, there are eight distinct skin variants or ‘grades’. A skin’s valve is largely determined by the grade and Wear condition.

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Wear Rating or Float Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Wear Rating or Float (credits: Valve)

Lower the Wear Rating, the higher is the skin value. There are five Wear Condition in the game and the equivalent Wear rating or float for the same is as follows:

  • Battle-Scarred (WR 0.45 - 1.00)
  • Well Worn (WR 0.38 - 0.45)
  • Field Tested (WR 0.15 -0.38)
  • Minimal Wear (WR 0.07 - 0.15)
  • Factory New (WR 0.00 - 0.07)

How to find CS2 float value?

The float value or the ‘Wear rating’ of any skin in Counter-Strike(CS:GO and CS2) can be while inspecting the weapon. Follow the following steps in order to find the float value of your skin:

  • Open the game and go to the inventory tab.
  • Right click on the skin you wish to know the float value of.
  • Select the ‘Inspect’ option.
  • Click on the ‘Info’ icon

CS2 float: Counter-Strike 2 Wear rating under Inventory and Skin Inspect CS2 float: Counter-Strike 2 Wear rating under Inventory and skin Inspect (credits: Valve)

  • You will find the ‘Wear rating’ of your skin in the pop-up.

Does a lower float guarantee a higher price?

Lower float does guarantee a better price but not a higher price. For eg. A Factory New AK-47 | Field Delta is definitely valued higher than Well Worn AK-47 | Field Delta, but not Well Worn AK-47 | The Empress. Since The Empress is a higher grade skin.

Additionally, a StatTrak skin is valued higher than the normal version. Moreover, On various websites, the value of a skin largely depends on the demand for the skin. So these numbers might not necessarily help you with the exact price, but help you estimate the price of a skin.

Rarest Counter-Strike skin with an offer of $1.3Mn Rarest Counter-Strike skin with an offer of $1.3Mn (credits: Valve)

While currently there is a massive decrease in CS2 skin prices, Valve's efforts to restore the visual effects of the skin will definitely reverse the effect and the skin market will flourish.

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Featured Image Credits: Valve

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CS2 skin market apocalypse: From hype to desolation

CS2 case opening peaked 2.2 million units in first day

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