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MinD_ContRol on leaving Nigma Galaxy: "I didn’t feel good that I don’t have success for so long"

MinD_ContRol on leaving Nigma Galaxy: "I didn’t feel good that I don’t have success for so long"

Dota 2
13 Jan

Tundra Esports new roster is performing marvelously at the BetBoom Dacha Dubai qualifier. The Dota 2 community was excited to see the new roster compete and all eyes were on Ivan "MinD_ContRol" Ivanov. Shortly after he departed from Nigma Galaxy, Tundra Esports, a TI-winning organization, recruited him to join their new roster for the 2024 Dota 2 Professional Season.

Dota 2 MinD_ContRoL MinD_ContRoL became one of the most sought after offlaners in the past years due to his skills and his in-game knowledge.
Credits: Valve

MC was the ideal addition to their team as Tundra was rebuilding their entire Dota 2 roster for the upcoming season. Additionally, the latest iteration of their Dota 2 roster for the 2024 season includes other high-profile players such as Ivan "Pure" Moskalenko and Topias "Topson" Taavitsainen.

Although the current Tundra roster has many note-worthy players, fans are most interested in why MC left his former team, Nigma Galaxy. Fortunately, the legendary player answered some of the fans' burning questions in his latest interview.

The Surprises

After eliminating Entity from the BetBoom Dacha Dubai 2024 qualifiers, MC took the time to share his thoughts on the new team. The player reflected on the team's previous series against OG, which resulted in them getting knocked down to the lower bracket of the tournament.

Mind Control Ti9 Mind Control at The International 2019 under the roster led by Kuroky.
Credits: Valve

When one of the casters asked what happened, the player admitted they did not know how to prepare against OG. Additionally, he also continued to say that his new team currently does not have a designated in-game captain.

“Yesterday against OG, we did not know how to prepare, and we don’t have a said captain yet. We’ll see what happens in the next days.”

The team consists of several renowned figures in the Dota 2 scene. When questioned about the team's synergy, MinD_ContRol confessed that they are still in the process of figuring it out. Moreover, the player went on to say that the team had been playing together for less than a week. However, he continued to say that the team communication blew him away.

“The Chemistry, we don't know yet because we’re playing literally for five days. Ivan, less, maybe. But for now, I’m surprised, and I’m impressed by the communication we have because we have different nationalities. The comms are very good, which is surprising cause it is nice for me. So that makes very easy to work, and it is very easy to draft.”

An Important Decision

MinD_ContRoL at Team Liquid in Ti9 "MC you need to play like Ceb. Can you play more like Ceb?" Famous Kuroky words to MC at The International 2019 Grand Finals.
Credits: Valve

One of the casters asked MC about the decision to join a new team after playing with the previous one for almost a decade. The caster had asked a few questions about MC's current team before addressing the elephant in the room. However, MC was prepared for the question. He shared his thoughts on his former team’s success.

"I think I just need something new in my life. It’s not about we’re not successful or anything about it. Of course, it’s connected that we don’t have success in the past years. "

The player went on to say success doesn't come easily, but he expressed a desire for something new in his life.

"For me, the most important was that I didn’t feel good that I don’t have success for so long, and doesn’t mean that I will find that when I joined other team, but I dunno. I need something new. That’s why I left the team."

The player cleared the air about his teammates and acknowledged he might have made a selfish decision.

"I care about the guys, but sometimes, in life, you need to be selfish. Do something that makes you feel good, and let’s see where that will go. Maybe good, maybe bad."

Moving Forward

Tundra Esports are currently in the lower bracket and have no safety net. Nigma Galaxy, which is the former team of MinD_ContRol, is participating in the qualifiers but in a different region. NGX is also in the lower bracket, and their upcoming series is against PSG Quest.

Featured Image Source: Twitter.@TundraEsports

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