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Mastering Starcraft 2: Advanced Micro and Control Tips

Mastering Starcraft 2: Advanced Micro and Control Tips

StarCraft II
22 Jun
Andre Guaraldo

Today we want to delve into the depths of strategic gameplay and help you mastering Starcraft 2 and its gameplay. In this article, we will explore advanced unit micro and control techniques that will take your strategical knowledge to the next level.

From split-second decision-making to executing precise maneuvers, mastering unit control is essential for achieving victory. Join us as we uncover the secrets behind advanced micro techniques, optimal spellcasting, and effective army management.

Mastering Starcraft 2 - Splitting, Kiting, and Focus Fire


Discover the art of splitting your units to minimize damage from area-of-effect attacks. Learn about unit spacing, control group management, and how to split effectively against splash damage units like Siege Tanks or High Templars.


Unleash the power of kiting to maintain a safe distance from pursuing enemy units while continuously dealing damage. We'll delve into attack-move commands, stutter stepping, and techniques for kiting with ranged units. Practical examples and visual guides will help you master this critical micro skill.

Focus Fire

Discover the importance of focus fire in eliminating high-priority targets quickly. We'll discuss target prioritization, manual targeting, and techniques for efficiently focusing down key units or structures. Visual examples will showcase the impact of focus fire in different scenarios.

Mastering Starcraft 2 - Utilizing Special Abilities and Spells

Unit Abilities

Explore the diverse array of special abilities and spells that units possess in Starcraft 2. A proficient player needs to dig deeper into the optimal use of abilities such as Stimpack, Psionic Storm, Baneling Burrow, and more.

See below and example on how to incorporate these abilities seamlessly into your micro and strategic decision-making.


Master the art of spellcasting to turn the tide of battle in your favor. Master your SC2 gameplay by effectively setting up hotkeys, efficient spellcasting workflows, and advanced tips for landing devastating spells on your opponents.

The example below shows how to prepare to unleash the full potential of spells like Fungal Growth, EMP, and Force Field.


Managing Large Armies and Control Groups

Army Splitting

Discovering strategies for efficiently managing large armies across multiple engagements is an advanced control every player must dominate.

Learn how to split your forces effectively, assign control groups, and maintain army mobility. See below a practical guidance on how to execute multipronged attacks and outmaneuver your opponents.

Control Group Management

Dive into advanced control group techniques to optimize your army control. See below methods for organizing units within control groups, utilizing unit subgrouping, and utilizing control group modifiers. Unlock the potential for precise unit control and swift decision-making.


By mastering advanced unit micro and control techniques, you'll gain a significant edge in the intense battles of Starcraft 2. Split your units to minimize damage, kite your opponents while dealing devastating blows, and unleash the full potential of unit abilities and spells.

Remember, practice is key to mastering these techniques, so hone your skills, analyze replays, and strive for perfection.

Stay tuned for more articles as we continue to explore the intricacies of Starcraft 2 gameplay and help you become a formidable force on the battlefield.

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