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Strafe's Selection: Best 31 Twitch Emotes as of 2024

Strafe's Selection: Best 31 Twitch Emotes as of 2024

12 Jan
Andre Guaraldo

Twitch has cultivated its own unique language of expression: emotes. These digital symbols transcend traditional communication, conveying emotions, reactions, and inside jokes within the streaming community. In an attempt to unravel the wide array of Twitch emotes, we present our list of "Best 31 Twitch Emotes"

Creating a definitive list of the "best" emotes is no small feat. The landscape of Twitch emotes is dynamic, ever-evolving, and deeply intertwined with the cultural fabric of the platform. What might be an iconic emote for one viewer could be a mystery to another. Nevertheless, we've embarked on this journey to highlight 31 emotes that have left an indelible mark on the Twitch experience.

Each emote is a pixelated brushstroke on the canvas of Twitch culture, conveying sentiments ranging from laughter and excitement to confusion and sarcasm. While our attempt is to provide a comprehensive guide, the subjectivity of emote interpretation cannot be ignored. So, dear reader, join us on this exploration of the whimsical, the iconic, and the downright hilarious as we delve into the world of Twitch emotes.

Understanding Twitch Emotes

The journey of Twitch emotes is a testament to the dynamic nature of online communication. What began as simple emoticons has evolved into a sophisticated language, enriching interactions between streamers and their audience. Emotes, with their quirky expressions and vibrant symbolism, play a pivotal role in creating a sense of community among viewers.

Emotes are more than just images; they're a cultural currency on Twitch. Viewers use them to express emotions, reactions, and even engage in inside jokes. The shared language of emotes fosters a unique bond among the Twitch community, creating a space where expressions like "Kappa" and "PogChamp" carry profound meaning.

The Best 31 Twitch Emotes and Their Origins

1. Kappa

Kappa, a cornerstone of Twitch communication, epitomizes sarcasm and jest. Its roots extend to Japanese folklore, where the Kappa creature is known for its playful and mischievous nature. On Twitch, Kappa signifies a user's witty or ironic remark.


2. PogChamp 

PogChamp, a symbol of excitement and surprise, originated from a clip featuring Ryan "Gootecks" Gutierrez. His exuberant expression became synonymous with thrilling moments, turning PogChamp into the go-to emote for expressing hype across various Twitch channels.


3. LUL

Derived from "laugh out loud," LUL embodies uncontrollable laughter. The emote traces its origins to the face of John "TotalBiscuit" Bain, a renowned gaming commentator.




KEKW showcases an image of Spanish comedian and actor Juan Joya Borja, a.k.a "Spanish Laughing Guy". This emote gained popularity in late summer 2019, serving as a widely embraced means of conveying laughter.


5. OmegaLUL

Evolved from classic abbreviations like LOL and ROFL, OmegaLUL is a Twitch emote that goes beyond mere expression, symbolizing laughter with a character boasting an exaggerated face and a notably large mouth.


6. Kreygasm

Kreygasm captures the essence of intense pleasure or satisfaction and finds its roots in the face of John "Kreyg" McLean. Originating from a moment of pure delight during one of Kreyg's streams, the emote is a staple for expressing euphoria.


7. 4Head

Featuring the face of Cadburry, a popular streamer, 4Head is a versatile emote conveying a mix of confusion and amusement. Its simplicity makes it a go-to choice for various chat interactions, adding a touch of humor to the conversation.


8. BibleThump

BibleThump, an emotive icon representing sadness or heartbreak, has its origin tied to the character Isaac from "The Binding of Isaac" game. The emote symbolizes tears and has become a heartfelt response to poignant or emotional moments during Twitch streams.


9. Keepo

Keepo is a playful emote capturing mischief and trolling. Originating from a screenshot of a streamer named "KappaRoss," Keepo's face reflects a lighthearted and mischievous expression, making it a popular choice for playful banter.


10. ResidentSleeper

The go-to emote for expressing boredom or disinterest, ResidentSleeper, traces its roots to a humorous moment during a stream. A viewer pretended to fall asleep, using the iconic Resident Evil logo as a sleep mask, and the emote became synonymous with yawning indifference.


11. DansGame

Expressing disgust or aversion, DansGame features the face of a streamer named DansGaming. The emote originated from a stream moment where DansGaming reacted with a disapproving expression, making it a recognizable symbol for expressing distaste.

12. TriHard

TriHard, a symbol of hype and excitement, originated from the face of streamer TriHex. Initially used to express enthusiasm, the emote has been subject to controversy due to misuse, highlighting the challenges in moderating emote usage and maintaining a positive environment.

13. NotLikeThis

NotLikeThis, featuring a distressed face, is the go-to emote for expressing disappointment or frustration. Its origin can be traced to the character Billy Herrington, and it has become synonymous with moments that evoke a sense of helplessness or exasperation.


14. KappaRoss

KappaRoss, an evolved form of Kappa, captures the essence of a festive or celebratory atmosphere. The emote features Kappa wearing a party hat, adding a touch of joy and excitement to the chat. It's commonly used during upbeat moments in Twitch streams.


15. WutFace

WutFace, characterized by a shocked or disgusted expression, has its roots in the face of streamer Alex Mendez. The emote is the perfect choice for expressing disbelief or unease in response to surprising or unsettling content during streams.


16. FailFish

FailFish, a humorous emote with a facepalm gesture, signifies a moment of failure or facepalm-worthy content. Originally featuring a Twitch staff member, it has evolved into a universal symbol for pointing out blunders or mistakes during live broadcasts.


17. BabyRage

BabyRage, featuring a crying baby, is the embodiment of childish tantrums and complaints. Originating from a viral video, the emote is often used in a lighthearted manner to mock exaggerated reactions or whining behavior in the Twitch chat.


18. OSfrog

OSfrog, representing a frog face, has become a symbol of balance and moderation in the Twitch community. Initially associated with the website's Global Moderator, OSfrog is used to convey a sense of calm and balance during discussions about game balance or moderation policies.



19. KappaClaus

KappaClaus, a festive variant of Kappa, is the go-to emote during holiday seasons. Featuring Kappa wearing a Santa hat, it brings a touch of Christmas cheer to Twitch chats, fostering a sense of camaraderie and festivity among viewers.



20. PJSalt

PJSalt, featuring a salt shaker, is the quintessential emote for expressing saltiness or frustration. It originated from a moment where a streamer spilled salt, and it has since become a widely recognized symbol for salty reactions in the Twitch community.



21. NotATK

NotATK, featuring a pixelated character with a surprised expression, is used to express disbelief when a streamer fails to execute a basic action in a game. The emote's origins lie in moments where streamers miss obvious targets, leading to humorous reactions from the chat.



22. EZ

EZ, a simple yet powerful emote, is often employed to sarcastically belittle the difficulty of a situation or mock opponents. Its origins are rooted in the gaming community's tradition of downplaying victories or making light of easy accomplishments.


23. LULW

LULW, an extended version of LUL, amplifies the laughter expressed in the original emote. Widely used during moments of uncontrollable laughter or when a situation becomes hilariously absurd, LULW has become a staple in conveying amusement and joy in Twitch chats.


24. MonkaS

MonkaS, characterized by a wide-eyed expression, is the go-to emote for conveying fear, anxiety, or tension during intense moments in games or real-life situations. The emote's origins lie in the face of MonkaSenpai, a participant in a Twitch talent show.


25. Jebaited

Jebaited, featuring the face of Alex Jebailey, is the ultimate emote for indicating that someone has fallen for a bait or deception. Originating from the FGC community, Jebaited is used to mock instances where a player or streamer is outsmarted or tricked.



26. CoolStoryBob

CoolStoryBob, showcasing a calm and collected face, is the perfect emote for subtly dismissing someone's lengthy or uninteresting story. Its origins lie in the face of streamer Bobby Scar, and it has become a humorous way to signify a lack of interest.



27. PogU

PogU, an intensified version of PogChamp, is used to express even greater excitement or astonishment. Originating from the face of FGC commentator Maximilian Dood, this emote amplifies the hype during thrilling moments in streams, capturing the essence of sheer amazement.


28. CmonBruh

CmonBruh, featuring a skeptical or disapproving look, is used to express disbelief, disappointment, or questioning someone's actions. Originating from a clip of a confused-looking black man, this emote has become a way to highlight moments of perceived insensitivity or ignorance.


29. VoHiYo

VoHiYo, showcasing an enthusiastic and happy face, is the emote for expressing joy and positivity. Originating from the face of streamer "Vinesauce," this emote has become a symbol of happiness and good vibes within the Twitch community.


30. SeemsGood

SeemsGood, portraying a content and satisfied face, is the emote for expressing approval or contentment. Originating from the face of streamer "Hob," this emote has become a universal symbol of satisfaction and agreement during streams.


31. KappaPride

KappaPride, a variant of the Kappa emote, is a symbol of pride and support for the LGBTQ+ community. It has become an emblem of inclusivity on Twitch, promoting positive and accepting chat environments and fostering a sense of community.



Do you agree with this list? Have we left off any that should be here?

In conclusion, the world of Twitch emotes is a dynamic and ever-evolving landscape, reflecting the unique culture and camaraderie within the streaming community. Each emote carries not just a visual expression but a shared history and context that binds viewers and creators. As we've explored the origins and meanings behind these 31 emotes, it becomes clear that they are more than mere pixels on a screen; they are a form of digital communication, a language of emotions that transcends geographical boundaries.

From the infectious joy of PogChamp to the subtle humor of Kappa, every emote plays a role in shaping the Twitch experience. The diverse range, from global phenomena to niche creations, highlights the richness of this non-verbal language. As Twitch continues to be a hub for creativity and interaction, one can only anticipate the birth of new emotes that captures the spirit of the moment.

So, the next time you find yourself immersed in a Twitch stream, surrounded by emotes flooding the chat, remember that each one is a testament to the shared laughter, excitement, and connection that defines the platform. In this world of emotes, where a single image can convey a thousand words, let the pixels continue to speak the language of the Twitch community. Emote on, and may your digital conversations be as expressive as the emotes themselves!

Feature image credits: The Daily Dot

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