League of Legends Patch 25.S1.1 Notes: Atakhan, New Boots, and more!
The long awaited first patch of 2025 is here: get ready for a big wave of changes coming to League of Legends with patch 25.S1.1 (or patch 15.1, if you're oldschool)!
The new patch is set to immerse us into a Noxian Summoner's Rift, with new Epic monsters, the addition of Feats of Strength, new turrets, and more.
Moreover, the patch will also feature the introduction of a new Battlepass system and a new gamemode, which you can find out more about in our League of Legends 2025 Highlights. As always, however, the first patch of the year will also bring with it a wave of changes to several champions in the game.
So, without further ado, let's take a look at what patch 25.S1.1 of League of Legends has in store for us.

Summoner's Rift Changes
Atakhan - New Epic Monster
Atakhan will be the game's brand new Epic monster, coming to League of Legends with the release of the Noxian Summoner's Rift in patch 25.S1.1. You can encounter Atakhan once he spawns at the 20:00 minute mark.
As for which side of the river he spawns at (top side or bot side), that will depend on which side of the map has seen more champion damage and champion kills 14 minutes into the game.
The new Epic monster can take two forms depending on how action packed the game has been. These are Voracious Atakhan and Ruinous Atakhan.
The team that manages to slay Atakhan will be granted the following buffs:
- Voracious Atakhan Buff:
- +40 gold bonus for champion takedowns for the rest of the game.
- Upon death, the champion will respawn in base after 5.5 seconds. Can only happen once.
- Ruinous Atakhan Buff:
- +25% increase to all Epic monster rewards for the rest of the game.
- +6 Bloody Petals

Blood Roses
Blood Roses are the newest plant addition to Summoner's Rift in patch 25.S1.1. These will spawn before the 20:00 minute mark around areas where champions have been killed or around Atakhan's spawn location.
You can collect Bloody Petals by hitting Blood Roses around the map. These will grant you XP buffs for yourself as well as the rest of your team, while also granting stacking Adaptive Force.
Nexus Turrets
"Our goal with adding respawning Nexus Turrets was to help reduce the amount of games that feel hopeless just because you lost both of your turrets."
That's right, Nexus Turrets will now respawn, just like inhibitors do. After being destroyed, Nexus Turrets will reappear at full health after 3 minutes, making sure there is always hope.
Turrets in Summoner's Rift will be donning a whole new look based on Noxian artillery in patch 25.S1.1. Make sure to check them out if you haven't already!
Feats of Strength
Feats of Strength will be a new system coming with patch 25.S1.1 to replace the old First Blood and First Turret gold bonuses. There will be three Feats of Strength teams can compete over:
- First Blood
- First Turret
- First team to slay three Epic Monsters
The first team to complete two Feats of Strength will have their boots immediately upgraded to their Triumphant version, with the chance to further upgrade their Boots to their new Tier-3 version later in the game for the cost of gold.
"We have several goals for Feats of Strength: guiding players in the early game to accomplish goals with their team, removing some gold that was snowballing individual players too hard too early in the game, and giving players a fun way to access boots upgrades."
The Triumphant boots will earn the following stats for those players on the team that won the Feats of Strength challenge:
- Triumphant Berserker's Greaves: +5% Attack Speed
- Triumphant Ionian Boots of Lucidity: +5 Haste
- Triumphant Sorcerer's Shoes: +4 Magic Penetration
- Triumphant Plated Steelcaps: +5 Armor
- Triumphant Mercury's Treads: +5 Magic Resistance
- Triumphant Boots of Swiftness: +5 Movement Speed
- Triumphant Synchronized Souls: +5 Movement Speed
New Boot Upgrades
"The following upgrades are purchasable upgrades that can be bought by the Feats-winning team when they have two legendary items completed (or more). The stat increases are relative to the above Triumphant boots upgrades (which are free)."
Gunmetal Greaves (Berserker's Greaves Upgrade)
- 750 gold
- +10% Attack Speed
- +5 Movement Speed
- Upon attacking a Champion, gain 15% (melee) / 10% (ranged) movement speed decaying over 2 seconds.
Crimson Lucidity (Ionian Boots of Lucidity Upgrade)
- 750g gold
- +10 Haste
- +5 Movement Speed
- Upon damaging an enemy with a spell, using a Summoner Spell, or buffing an ally with a spell, gain 10% (8% for ranged) movement speed for 4 seconds.
Spellslinger's Shoes (Sorcerer's Shoes Upgrade)
- 750 gold
- +3 Magic Penetration
- +5 Movement Speed
- +10% Magic Penetration
Armored Advance (Plated Steelcaps Upgrade)
- 750 gold
- +10 Armor
- +5 Movement Speed
- After taking physical damage from a champion, gain a 10-140 (based on level) physical shield + 4% of your maximum health for 4 seconds. 12 second cooldown.
Chainlaced Crushers (Mercury's Treads Upgrade)
- 750 gold
- +10 Magic Resistance
- +5 Movement Speed
- After taking magic damage from a champion, gain a magic shield for (10-140 level scaling) + 4% of your maximum health for 4 seconds. 12 second cooldown
Swiftmarch (Boots of Swiftness Upgrade)
- 750 gold
- +10 Movement Speed
- Increase your TOTAL movement speed by 4%. This multiplies all other forms of movement speed.
Forever Forward (Synchronized Souls Upgrade)
- 750 gold
- +10 Movement Speed
- While out of combat, increase your TOTAL movement speed by 10%. This multiplies all other forms of movement speed.

New Items
Bloodletter's Curse
- Cost: 2900 gold
- Item Recipe: Haunting Guise + Fiendish Codex + 750 gold
- Ability Power: 60
- Health: 350
- Ability Haste: 15
- Vile Decay: Dealing magic damage with abilities or passives to champions reduces their Magic Resistance by 5% for 6 seconds, up to 30%
Champion Adjustments
- [P] Frost Shot adjustments:
- Damage reduced 115% + Crit% >>> 100% + Crit%
- Damage now always applies
- [Q] Ranger's Focus buffs:
- Damage increased 105/110/115/120/125% >>> 110/115/120/125/130%
- Attack speed increased 25/32.5/40/47.5/55% >>> 25/35/45/55/65%
- [W] Volley damage adjusted 20/35/50/65/80 + 100% total AD >>> 60/95/130/165/200 + 100% bonus AD
- Mana regen growth increased 0.4 >>> 0.8
- Base attack speed increased by 8%
- Dashes are more resistant to slows
- [Q] Pierce nerfs:
- Damage reduced 20/85/150/215/280 + 105% total AD >>> 10/75/140/205/270 + 105% total AD
- Mana cost increased 50/55/60/65/70 >>> 60/65/70/75/80
- [E] Rend damage reduced 8/12/16/20/24 + 25/30/35/40/45% total AD >>> 7/14/21/28/35 + 20/25/30/35/40% total AD
- [W] Venom Cask slow increased 30/35/40/45/50% (+5% per 100 AP) >>> 30/35/40/45/50% (+6% per 100 AP)
- Base mana reduced 360 >>> 320
- [Q] Piercing Arrow mana cost reduced 65/70/75/80/85 >>> 50/55/60/65/70
- [W] Blighted Quiver on-hit damage increased 8/13/18/23/28 >>> 6/12/18/24/30
- [E] Hail of Arrows mana cost increased 80 >>> 90

New Minor Runes
- Deep Ward: Stealth Wards placed in the enemy jungle are considered Deep, and after level 11 Stealth Wards placed in the River are considered Deep as well. Deep Wards gain 1 extra health and +30-45 second duration (+30-120 seconds for Yellow Trinket Stealth Wards).
- Sixth Sense: Automatically ping untracked and unseen wards within 900 units. After level 11, Sixth Sense will also reveal the ward for 10 seconds. 300 second cooldown for Melee champions, 360 second cooldown for Ranged champions.
- Grisly Mementos: For each champion takedown, gain 4 trinket Ability Haste. In Modes where this doesn’t make sense (i.e. ARAM) gain 2 Summoner Ability Haste instead, up to a max of 50. In modes without wards, all players that select Deep Ward or Sixth Sense will automatically be swapped to Grisly Mementos instead.
- Axiom Acanist: Your ultimate ability’s damage, healing, and/or shielding is increased by 14% (reduced to 9% for AoE damaging abilities). Takedowns on enemy champions refund 7% of your ultimate ability’s current remaining cooldown.
Meanwhile, all of the following Runes are being removed from the game: Ghost Poro, Zombie Ward, Eyeball Collection, Nullifying Orb.
Ultimately, patch 25.S1.1 promises an exciting new direction for League of Legends. While we expect things to take some getting used to, that is all the more reason to start getting a hang of the new Summoner's Rift early into the new year. So head out there and achieve the Feats of Strength before your enemies do.
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For more League of Legends rostermania news, check out our LEC, LCK, LPL and LTA North/South rostermanias for all the latest shuffles. To check when your favorite league will kick off again in 2025, check out our schedule here.
Image source: LoL Esports
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