League of Legends Patch 14.24 Preview: Viktor Rework, Ambessa Nerfs, and More!
League of Legends will be heading in an exciting direction in 2025 with the release of themed seasons as well as several new changes coming to the game. For now, however, the last patch of the year, patch 14.24, will be a relatively small one, with the exception of the anticipated release of Viktor's rework based on his character's arc in Season 2 of Arcane.
Once patch 14.24 hits the live servers on Wednesday, December 11th, you'll be able to test Viktor's new look for yourself, in addition to all of the brand new Arcane skins coming to Jinx, Ekko, Warwick, and more.
Let's now go ahead and take a look at the last set of champions buffs and nerfs coming our way with the final League of Legends patch of the year.
This information about patch 14.24 came from an X (Twitter) post made by Matt "Phroxzon" Leung-Harrison, League of Legends' Lead Gameplay Designer.
W has been rescripted to consistently stun after 1.25 seconds, rather than variably between 1.1-2 seconds, but we aren't making further changes to it for now.
Viktor's early agency has been low for a while in high level play...especially after biscuit mana removal and reliance on early junglers to get Hexfragments, this leads him to feel overly reliant on the team in the early game; so we're bringing back some of his ability to trade and attrition with E mana and Q shield buffs.
The P stacks will be more reliant on farming well, rather than flipping an early fight where he's weak.
We're overall pretty happy with how Ambessa launched, not being too weak/strong for early mastery curves and got 2 solid patches of observation on how her matchups, builds and learning curve are playing out without interference from needed balance/micropatches.
Now that players have started to learn her though, her top end power is starting to show and we're taking down her ability to have so much dominance across her matchups.
Viktor Updates

- [P] Glorious Evolution adjustments:
- Hex Fragment stacks per siege and super minions increased 5 >>> 10
- Hex Fragment stacks per enemy champion takedown reduced 25 >>> 20
- [Q] Siphon Power shield increased 27-105 >>> 40-115 (based on levels 1-18, linear)
- [W] Gravity Field rescripted to consistently stun after exactly 1.25 seconds, rather than variably between 1.1-2 seconds (weighed towards 1.1)
- [W] Gravity Field slow increased 30-45% >>> 33-45%
- [E] Death Ray changed to Hextech Ray:
- Mana cost reduced 70/80/90/100/110 >>> 60/70/80/90/100
- [R] Chaos Storm changed to Arcane Storm:
- If an enemy champion damaged by the storm dies, the storm grows by 40% and lasts an additional 3 seconds, stacking up to 6 times
Champion Buffs

Master Yi
- [Q] Alpha Strike Critical Strike Damage bonus increased 35% (49% with Infinity Edge) >>> 56.25% (86.25% with Infinity Edge)
- Base HP increased 610 >>> 640
- [P] Break the Mold Armor and Magic Resist steal increased 2% >>> 3% (1-2 >>> 1.5-3 (based on levels 1-18, linear) minimum)
- [W-Dismounted] Ferromancy: Crash Down shield increased 15/40/65/90/115 (+12% max HP) >>> 25/50/75/100/125 (+13% max HP)
- [Q] Flamespitter AP ratio per tick increased 8.33% >>> 9.17% (100% >>> 110% total)
- [W] Scrap Shield AP ratio increased 25% >>> 30%
- [Q] Ambush Attack Speed increased 40/45/50/55/60% for 5 seconds >>> 45/50/55/60/65% for 6 seconds
- [Q] Prowling Projectile buffs:
- Base damage increased 60/90/120/150/180/210 >>> 60/95/130/165/200/235
- Empowered base damage increased 80/135/190/245/300/355 >>> 80/140/200/260/320/380
- Mana cost reduced 50/60/70/80/90/100 >>> 50/55/60/65/70/75
Champion Nerfs

- [W] Repudiation shield reduced 85-350 (based on level 1-18, linear) (+175% bAD) for 2 seconds >>> 50-320 (based on level 1-18, linear) (+150% bAD) for 1.5 seconds
- [E] Lacerate bAD ratio per hit reduced 40/50/60/70/80% >>> 40/45/50/55/60%
- [E] Gatling Gun damage per tick reduced 6.25/9.375/12.5/15.625/18.75 (+15.625% bAD) >>> 5/8.125/11.25/14.375/17.5 (+15% bAD) (100/150/200/250/300 (+250% bAD) >>> 80/130/180/230/280 (+240% bAD) total)
Dr. Mundo
- [E-P] Blunt Force Trauma bAD max HP ratio reduced 2/2.25/2.5/2.75/3% >>> 2/2.2/2.4/2.6/2.8%
- Base HP reduced 650 >>> 620
- [Q] End of the Line detonation bAD ratio reduced 40/70/100/130/160% >>> 40/65/90/115/140%
- [Q] Sigil of Malice base damage per hit reduced 70/95/120/145/170 >>> 65/90/115/140/165
- [E] Valor base shield reduced 80/105/130/155/180 >>> 70/95/120/145/170
- Base Armor reduced 26 >>> 25
- Armor per level reduced 5.2 >>> 4.7
- Base Magic Resist reduced 39 >>> 36
- [P] Blade's End monster damage ratio reduced 120% >>> 110%
Champion Adjustments

- Base Armor reduced 38 >>> 35
- Armor per level increased 4.7 >>> 5
- [Q] Hammer Shock damage per hit adjusted 40/60/80/100/120 (+90% bAD) (+9% target's max HP) >>> 30/55/80/105/130 (+100% bAD) (+9% target's max HP)
- Base AD reduced 65 >>> 63
- [Q] Jaws of the Beast cast range increased 350 >>> 365
- [W-P] Blood Hunt bonus Attack Speed duration increased 1.1 >>> 2.5 seconds
When does patch 14.24 of League of Legends release?
With large sets of changes expected to come to League of Legends in early 2025, patch 14.24 will offer a chance to play the game as we know it for a final few weeks before Noxus takes over the rift. So, make sure you are ready to give the last patch of the year a go on its release, coming this Wednesday, December 11th.
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Image source: Riot Games
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